I am so grateful to Tony, my beautiful life partner who has supported me in opening and operating Sharanam; who picks up the slack when I'm working late even though he has put in a full day; who creates such beauty and peace in our gardens and who makes me laugh at myself and at life.

I am so grateful for my daughters who were all able to be here with us over Christmas and New Year, we all miss my young grandsons Whyatt and Josh but I'm so grateful that they are experiencing an extraordinary six weeks in Europe drinking in the incomparable sights, history, skiing and people.

I am so grateful that we can watch the joyful antics of my gorgeous little grand daughters, and I have had time to enjoy and visit them. I am so grateful that Kristy and Greg are going to have a dear little brother or sister for Deja Rose and I'm sorry that Kristy is struggling with morning sickness. I'm so grateful that Emma travelled all the way from Perth this Christmas and braved the humidity to be with us, share her stories with us and spoil her nieces (and me). I am so grateful that Donna and David shared their daughter, their time and their humour with us.
I am so grateful for my dear friends and colleagues who have enriched my life and learning. I am so grateful for all of the health challenges that have enabled me to learn more about myself and to grow. I am so thankful for the opportunity to live this life.
What do I resolve for 2009? To live in each moment, to notice the little things, to honour my journey and to be gentle with this planet.
See you next year.
Margaret x