Wednesday, December 31, 2008


In the remaining hours of this extraordinary year, 2008 I am sitting and thinking and counting the blessings in my life.

I am so grateful to Tony, my beautiful life partner who has supported me in opening and operating Sharanam; who picks up the slack when I'm working late even though he has put in a full day; who creates such beauty and peace in our gardens and who makes me laugh at myself and at life.

I am so grateful for my daughters who were all able to be here with us over Christmas and New Year, we all miss my young grandsons Whyatt and Josh but I'm so grateful that they are experiencing an extraordinary six weeks in Europe drinking in the incomparable sights, history, skiing and people.

I am so grateful that we can watch the joyful antics of my gorgeous little grand daughters, and I have had time to enjoy and visit them. I am so grateful that Kristy and Greg are going to have a dear little brother or sister for Deja Rose and I'm sorry that Kristy is struggling with morning sickness. I'm so grateful that Emma travelled all the way from Perth this Christmas and braved the humidity to be with us, share her stories with us and spoil her nieces (and me). I am so grateful that Donna and David shared their daughter, their time and their humour with us.

I am so grateful for my dear friends and colleagues who have enriched my life and learning. I am so grateful for all of the health challenges that have enabled me to learn more about myself and to grow. I am so thankful for the opportunity to live this life.

What do I resolve for 2009? To live in each moment, to notice the little things, to honour my journey and to be gentle with this planet.

See you next year.

Margaret x

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tis the night before Christmas

Tis the night before Christmas and all through the house there is peace.

It is my dearest wish that the morning will bring each of you the blessings of love and joy and hope. On this silent night my heart is filled with gratitude, my home is filled with my beautiful family, and my thoughts wander to my dearest friends and family who fill my life with purpose and meaning and my grandchildren who fill my heart with magic. Bless all of you this night. Here are two of my favourite images from this wonderful day.

May joy fill your moments
May light guide your tasks
May love fill your being
Margaret xx

Monday, December 8, 2008

My first transformation!!!

I feel like a little child poking her head out from behind a big tree in the middle of a lush, dense rainforest, even though the territory is unfamiliar each step is exciting and an adventure. This is my first, tentative venture into the world of blogging and with the help of my wonderful daughter Donna, see my first follower, I am finding that it's not as daunting or as difficult as I first thought.

How much more effortless is this than sending out the usual Sharanam News by email. I get so many emails saying how you enjoy my emails, but it does feel impersonal. This way you can post comments, share news and ideas and be a much more intimate part of what we are creating here at Sharanam Health & Wellbeing. I hope some of you are following our Transformations in Paradise website as it is growing and developing.

As I look through the pages of our website at the wonderful and diverse array of practitioners who are offering their skills, healing modalities and time at the Centre I am filled with gratitude at their integrity and loyality. Many of these practitioners travel long distances to bring their modalities to the people who utilize what Sharanam offers because they too recognise a need for nurturing and building a like minded, health conscious community.

Walk in the light that you shine
Margaret xx