The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.
When mindfulness embraces those we love,
they bloom like flowers.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Tony and his Dad
built a bridge
when his Dad paid
his annual visit
Some tuesdays I get to see Deja Rosa and Kristy
and some tuesdays I get to see Kathleen and do yoga
and this tuesday I got to go to Hinchinbrook Island
and marry Chris and Ernie on the sand at Orchid beach
...and in the quiet moments angels
stood as sentinnels and fairies sat on
bright green leaves and smiled .........
We are blessed by the people
who cross our paths.
Intrigued by their stories
and their gifts
Touched by their dreams
and grateful for their listeningI am so grateful for the women
who help me to grow and learn and laugh.
Margaret xx