'Why ask why? If it's raining it just is.'
Doug Horton ........ (Who?)

The rain has been relentless.
We slosh around the gardens,
and we pump out the septic tank
and we're out of fresh fruit.
We're isolated in our own little haven,
the bridge to the north
all but disappeared
of us is under water.
People have drowned in the vastly flooded
Murray Flats to the north of us.
Victoria have suffered devastating bushfires
and so far 66 souls have lost their lives.
I am so grateful, we are safe, my family is safe, our neighbours are safe, our home is safe and nothing else is really important.
Margaret xx
Margaret xx
so glad that you guys and your home is safe - but just so sad for all the people in victoria that have lost homes and loved one. certainly a time for gratitude. b x